Kanton Bern / Kanton Jura
Ingenieurgemeinschaft GVH-BG, CH-2740 Moutier
Time of Completion
1999 – 2006
Contract Sum
CHF 126 Mio.
Execution of the Work
Groupement Tunnel du Raimeux
Consortium Partners
Marti Tunnelbau AG, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Marti AG Bern, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Marti Travaux Spéciaux SA, CH-2087 Cornaux
Parietti & Gindrat SA, CH-2900 Porrentruy
Pro Routes SA, CH-2710 Tavannes
Georges Chételat SA, CH-2822 Courroux
Lead Company – Technical and Commercial Lead
Marti Tunnelbau AG, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Scope of the Works
National Highway A16, Moutier-Court,
Tunnel of Graitery
- Double track road tunnel
- Tunnel length: 2'462 m
- Safety tunnel parallel to the main tunnel
- Ventilation buildings at the 2 portals
- Excavation and stabilisation of the portal area with anchors, nails and shotcrete
- Driving of the tunnel in the portal area with pipescreen, placing of steelsupport and shotcrete
- Drill & Blast in the limestone sections
- Roadheader driving in the marl sections
- Tunnel lining with sole vault and suspended ceiling
- Lining of the safety tunnel
- Construction of the ventilation buildings and of the open cut and cover section at the north and south portals
Marti AS
Karenslyst allé 4b
0278 Oslo
Tel. +47 23 12 06 55
Fax +47 23 12 05 10