Tiefbauamt des Kantons Bern, CH-3011 Bern
Emch + Berger AG, CH-3001 Bern
ATB SA, CH-2740 Moutier
Time of Completion
2001 – 2011
Contract Sum
CHF 320 Mio.
Execution of the Work
Groupement Tunnel de Moutier
Consortium Partners
Marti Tunnelbau AG, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Marti AG Bern, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Marti Travaux Spéciaux Neuchâtel SA, CH-2087 Cornaux
Parietti & Gindrat SA, CH-2900 Porrentruy
Pro Routes SA, CH-2710 Tavannes
Georges Chételat SA, CH-2822 Courroux
Lead Company – Technical and Commercial Lead
Marti Tunnelbau AG, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Scope of the Works
National Highway A16, Transjuranne
- 2 double track tunnels in Jura lime / molasse and marl : L = 2 x 1'140 m, A = 108 m2
- Inner lining with waterproofing membrane, concrete lining, service tunnel below road surface
- Portal cut and cover section and service buildings
Junction Moutier South
- Open cut section with various structures, L = 900 m
Basic contract:
- Portal cut support with anchored drill pile walls, with shotcrete and rockbolts
- Tunnel heading in the portal area with roadheader, pipe screen support, steel arches and shotcrete
- Drilling of the 2 tunnels using a shilded full face tunnelboring machine with a concrete segment support system.
- All excavation materials from the open sections and from the tunnels are transferred via conveyor belt system through the 2’600 m long Graitery exploratory tunnel to the spoil dump area
Contract modification 2005:
Modification of the project due to geological problems after the TBM has been blocked by several face collapses and by water.
- Tunnel excavation in subdivided sections in both tunnels over a total length of 170 m
- Excavation of remaining of the TBM tunnel heading using a roadheader, pipe screen support and steel arches. Only the bench and the invert arch are finally excavated by the TBM
- Driving of the second tunnel with conventional meth ods using roadheaders, steel support and shotcrete
- Installation of a continuous reinforced inner shell in vaults and sole
Marti AS
Karenslyst allé 4b
0278 Oslo
Tel. +47 23 12 06 55
Fax +47 23 12 05 10