Key facts about


  • 2’100 m long (135 m²) double track railway tunnel (332’000 m³)

  • Geology: Basalt and Rhombic porphyry

  • Excavation methods: drill & blast, pipe umbrella advance (60 m)

  • Injection: 208 rounds, 10’000 t of cement

  • Standard rock support: shotcrete (9’930 m³) and systematic rock bolts (19’600 pcs)

  • Additional rock support: reinforced shotcrete arches (36 pcs.), steel beams (57 pcs.)

  • Inner lining with concrete elements, 51’350 m², PE-foam & shotcrete, 12’360 m², membrane & shotcrete, 2’700 m²

  • Sheet piling in the portal area

  • Concrete portal 50 m


Marti AS
Karenslyst allé 8b
0278 Oslo

